+420 381 205 309 info@raselina.cz

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  • Decorative pine bark

    Decorative pine bark is produced from bark from Sc...

Company policy

Rašelina a.s. Company Policy

Rašelina a.s. is a company focused on the production of fertilisers and substrates, the purchase, logging, handling, processing and sale of wood, livestock farming and silviculture. We undertake the trade of our products to end customers, and also business partners both within the Czech Republic and internationally. Important stakeholders who affect our organisation’s work include company employees, suppliers, neighbouring organisations, the citizens of municipalities where we operate, and regional and government authorities.

Rašelina a.s. management consider quality along with observing principles of environmental protection (EMS), OHS and fire protection in all its fields of business to be a vital factor in ensuring company prosperity. The objective of our work is to fully satisfy the demands of all our customers through providing products and services to a high technical and qualitative standard with minimum impact on the environment and OHS within the required deadlines.

To ensure this primary objective, company management have prepared and ratified the following strategic principles, which are binding for all company workers.

1.)        We want satisfied customers. As such, high quality and close customer contact are the company’s highest objectives. This applies not just for company products, but also services and communication with customer municipalities which are provided in our name.

2.)        Even with the greatest care, sometimes discrepancies or deviations from particular objectives may occur. We should primarily focus on eliminating causes, and not just consequences.

3.)        We will provide good working environments and conditions to increase employee satisfaction, and we will support their education and training to ensure they are capable of meeting all demands placed on them. Company management will ensure continual growth of our employees’ qualification potential.

4.)        We will rigorously apply a certified management system in all our activities, we will undertake regular monitoring of aspects impacting OHS and the environment and we will regularly check the outcome of these activities through company management. We undertake to meet the demands of applicable legislation and other binding obligations for our whole management system.

5.)        We will secure safe and environmentally friendly handling, storage, processing and disposal of raw materials and wastes. We will prioritise safe and environmentally friendly materials, products and services.

6.)        Within the OHS system implemented, we will endeavour to identify real dangers, assess risks and manage risks within the company. Our OHS system will bind us to ensure continuous improvement of work within this field. This particularly involves reducing the risk of occupational injury, disease, accidents and adverse events.

7.)        As we define the quality of our own work, so in choosing suppliers we check their guarantees on the quality of inputs for our work, including environmental impact minimisation and OHS.

In order to support this management system policy, Rašelina a.s. undertakes to:

  • determine core goals for a particular year in written form and subsequently check they have been met;
  • create the right conditions for all company workers to ensure these objectives can be met;
  • regularly check they are being met;
  • determine corrective measures if they are not being met;
  • plan the necessary resources to meet management system objectives;
  • also apply the determined strategic principles within supplier and customer relationships.

Rašelina a.s. expects its workers to:                                        

  • contribute towards fulfilling our ‘Management System Policy’ within their posts;
  • continuously improve our management system and thus the quality of company management system and products processes and services provided, while ensuring minimum impact on the environment and OHS;
  • perform all of their duties conscientiously from the very start. This doesn’t just ensure higher quality, but also reduces the risk of environmental damage and accidents within OHS, and further reduces costs and increases efficiency, all of which are to our customers’ benefit.